Is It Okay to Cook Frozen Ground Beef in Skillet?
I Heart Costco's Chicken
Posted 13 July 2006 - 12:00 AM
I just came back from work and want to make some spaghetti for dinner just my dumbass just realized that my footing beef was frozen. I've been heating up the packet past placing some hot running h2o over information technology.
Would it be a problem if i merely placed the meat partially frozen in the skillet with oil and just started cooking information technology? I think it'd be fine but I just wanted to ask some of yous cooks out there.
Posted thirteen July 2006 - 12:02 AM
If you're browning it, it doesn't really make much difference if it's frozen.
Posted thirteen July 2006 - 12:05 AM
Do you have a microwave with a defrost selection? It's non the all-time, merely I call back that would be better than going at it frozen.
Posted 13 July 2006 - 12:09 AM
only cook it in the skillet while frozen...don't let it burn and keep stirring/breaking information technology autonomously with a spoon. don't defrost information technology unless you take mastered that skill because y'all'll probably finish upwards cooking it in the microwave which is bad.
Posted 13 July 2006 - 12:10 AM
Yea, should be fine. Occasionally flip the ground beef brick and scrape off the cooked portion with a spatula to get it to melt faster. I presume that you lot are just using the meat broken upwardly as you would for chili, non meatballs. Exist careful about putting frozen food into hot oil (splattering).
Yous tin trust me
Posted xiii July 2006 - 12:eleven AM
I just came back from work and want to make some spaghetti for dinner only my dumbass just realized that my basis beef was frozen. I've been heating up the bundle by placing some hot running water over it.
Would it exist a problem if i but placed the meat partially frozen in the skillet with oil and just started cooking information technology? I remember it'd be fine simply I just wanted to ask some of y'all cooks out in that location.
You should definitely stop doing that.
3 ways to defrost beef: in the fridge, in cold water, or in the mocrowave. Anything other than that you lot risk contamination of the beefiness.
I don't retrieve I would even eat that beefiness at this point anymore.
Posted 13 July 2006 - 12:15 AM
Related question for you guys who are suggesting microwave defrosting:
Does anyone have the sort of microwave that has a grilling feature? What is your opinion of these? My microwave is older, and I am wondering if this is useful to look for when I demand to replace it.
The standard microwaves don't brown the meats when they are cooked, so the appearance is less appetizing. This is what gaelan was probably talking about.
Posted thirteen July 2006 - 12:20 AM
Yous tin warm it up with water. It'southward not the safest way in the world only it's not going to make it a hellspawn of bacteria unless you did information technology all night. Cold water is better though.
And yes, yous tin can brown information technology from a frozen state without issue. Just scout it. I wouldn't fifty-fifty add oil into the skillet.
Posted 13 July 2006 - 12:27 AM
Throw the brick in the skillet and cover it on low oestrus and let it sit. Cheque it every v minutes to flip and skin.
This space for rent.
Posted 13 July 2006 - 12:32 AM
Defrost it in the microwave (if your microwave has a defrost fashion). Cook information technology without oil. You actually don't demand the oil to brown ground beef.
Yous can melt it frozen, but become gear up for scraping and risking burning the meat.
Posted 13 July 2006 - 12:43 AM
I say it at this point. I won't eat whatever meat that has been defrosted in the microwave or whatever other way besides letting it sit and defrost in the refrigerator. It tastes different. Probably a mental thing though
I Heart Costco'due south Craven
Posted 13 July 2006 - 12:46 AM
Thank you for the help fellas. I've just started cooking it as is partially frozen and information technology seems to exist working out fine. I'd offering yous all some food, simply email isn't that advanced yet. Perhaps some twenty-four hours
This space for rent.
Posted xiii July 2006 - 12:46 AM
I say
information technology at this point. I won't eat any meat that has been defrosted in the microwave or any other manner besides letting it sit and defrost in the fridge. Information technology tastes dissimilar. Probably a mental thing though
I used to be just like this until I bought a microwave with a defrosting capability. Since information technology warms the meat in multiple stages, you don't run the run a risk of cooking it. I don't observe a taste deviation. It could be that I just use 97/3 Basis Sirloin though...
Posted 13 July 2006 - 12:48 AM
I used to be just similar this until I bought a microwave with a defrosting capability. Since it warms the meat in multiple stages, you don't run the adventure of cooking it. I don't observe a taste divergence. It could be that I only employ 97/iii Ground Sirloin though...
Yea I have a defrost on my microwave too. I use usally 90/10 footing beefiness. I'thou gonna go with the taste thing just existence a mental thing of me knowing I defrosted it a different way then what im accustomed to.
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